By Sharon Negus
Network Marketing enables an ordinary person to become extraordinary if they are willing to have an open mind & be willing to learn. The whole concept of network marketing is to mentor people into the business & this allows people to achieve their goals by helping other people reach their own goals.
If your mind is open to new ideas & you are teachable then Network Marketing may be for you.
When we talk about network marketing people often have a negative image in their minds. They have either had a bad experience themselves or know someone who has had a bad experience & they never take network marketing seriously. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water as there are a lot of ordinary people who are very successful because they are in a network marketing business. They didn’t let the negative experience of some people close their mind to something as successful as network marketing.
When you start you get a business mentor to help you set up, establish & continue to grow your business. Your success is as important to them as their own success & this can be extremely empowering to know someone is there to help you succeed. Everyone in the business is following a proven business system. The person who is mentoring you already has a successful business & they can teach someone else to follow the same principles they have followed to be successful.
Once you decide network marketing may be for you there are some golden rules that allow you to be a successful network marketer & they are;
· Be Consistent
· Duplicate yourself
· Give the business enough time
You need to give the business consistent effort. Imagine you wanted to get fit & you decided I’ll go for a bike ride today. You go for a 4 hour ride come back exhausted & never go again. Will you end up fit? What if you went for an hour a day 4 days a week. You have done the same amount of activity but you are more likely to stick to your program. Only then can you achieve the results you desire. If you don’t put in the effort the end result will not just happen. To be a successful network marketer you need to put in consistent effort.
To duplicate yourself is the most important aspect of the business. You need to get your own business working the way you want it to work & then to teach other people the systems you use to be successful. Network marketing is a very simple business if you get this important step correct. Don’t be fooled to believing that it is not that simple, it is simple & successful network marketers understand this principle.
The last step is to give it enough time. Rome wasn’t built in a day & neither will your Network Marketing business. If you recruit one person per month into the business & the people you recruit also recruit 1 person per month after 6 months you have 64 people in your business, after 12 months you will have 4,096.
To be successful you need to be consistent & duplicate yourself. Over time the business will be successful as you have followed the 3 golden rules of network marketing & truly believe you can achieve what you want to achieve.
The author Sharon Negus helps people achieve financial & time freedom through Network Marketing. For further information go to:
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